Architectural Heritage Foundation has recently submitted an exciting redevelopment proposal to DCR (Department of Conservation and Recreation, the former MDC) for their Speedway Headquarters complex on Western Avenue in Brighton. The submission is in response to the Request for Proposals issued through DCR’s Historic Curatorship Program. We have teamed up with housing developer 243 Dutton Interests LLC along with other team members and are proposing a multi-use program of commercial, not for profit and residential users and uses. Participants will include Charles River-based nonprofit organizations, artisans, artists and craftspeople who will collaborate to re-activate the dormant historic buildings and courtyard and provide an open and engaging public venue. This venue will also include dining opportunities and be supported by a new residential building that will provide amenities and stability as well as necessary financial scale. The purpose of the proposal is to create a dynamic and economically sustainable real estate development that preserves the historic structures in their context and engages and activates the community and their connections today and into the future at the Charles River.