As announced recently by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), AHF and housing partner 243 Dutton LLC have been designated as the developers of the historic Speedway Headquarters Building in Brighton, Massachusetts. The Speedway has been largely underutilized and has been subject of many years of planning and public process, the culmination of which was an RFP offering last summer utilizing DCR’s Historic Curatorship Program. AHF’s plan calls for an exciting blend of uses that will ensure the long-term preservation and re-activation of the historic Speedway buildings. AHF is extremely pleased to be charged with the future stewardship of this resource, and is very grateful for all of the support, planning and advocacy that DCR, community members and our preservation colleagues have afforded to this site, leading up to this very unique opportunity.
The historic Speedway buildings will be rehabilitated and re-established as a new public gathering place with a vibrant mix of non-profit and retail and /or restaurant uses along with a new residential building. Critical to the project’s success will be the public and private partnership with DCR that allows AHF to both maintain and preserve the Speedway buildings while allowing an economic engine (new housing) to provide needed financial support to the historic portions of the project.